My newest subject

Posted on Aug 10, 2009
10w ultrasound

As you may have noticed things have been rather s-l-o-w here at Little Feet lately. No, it’s not that the phone isn’t ringing. I was in fact fully booked for July and August and nearly there for September – but I have had to cancel all of those sessions as I am currently working very hard on growing my newest little subject (as you can see on the left there) and unfortunately the pregnancy is not treating me well at all. I have never had to cancel a session before, I have rarely even had to reschedule, so it was a very hard thing for me to do, but after a few days in hospital I realised there really was no way around it.

As a result I am currently unavailable for sessions. I make a significant time commitment to every one of my clients and it is important to me to be able to deliver the quality I expect from myself and on my usual schedule. Because of this I will not be taking any new bookings until I can be confident of being well enough to follow through for my clients. At this point I am not sure when I will be taking bookings again – though I am sincerely hoping to be able to offer my very popular Christmas mini sessions again this September or October.