I just love to photograph newborn babies. It can be quite challenging, but the rewards are breathtaking. Your baby will never be that tiny, that curly or that sleepy ever again. Your baby will never smell like a newborn again. The “newborn” moment is gone in literally a matter of days and though it hardly seems possible that you could forget, I know just how easy it is for the memories to slip away in a sleep deprived haze!
If you are thinking of booking a newborn session please contact me before your baby is born so that I can keep your due date in mind when booking for that month. Newborn sessions need to he held in the first 10 days, preferably the first week, of life and I would hate for you to miss out on capturing your baby before they start to unfurl. Although I will always try to squeeze a newborn in at the last minute I am usually fully booked a 1-2 months in advance and it isn’t always possible to fit one more in, booking during your pregnancy ensures you won’t miss out on capturing your baby’s newborn stage.