Sneak Peak: Baby T

Posted on Feb 18, 2009
Baby Theo - Sydney Newborn Photographer

Well, I am officially up and running again after a very crazy January – full of endless last minute things that had to be done in Sydney and then finally making the move to Adelaide – and what better way to kick things off than with this beautiful little guy.

Baby T was 8 days old when his mother called me about a session last Wednesday. Between their commitments, my commitments and the time pressure to get the session in as soon as possible we realised that the only possible day was the very next day! Sounds rushed? Well it was! Even more so because I had to unpack all of my stuff and figure out how much I could squeeze into a suitcase then cart it all the way back to Sydney for the day!

And you know what. It was SO much fun. Shooting newborns is such a passion for me and it was wonderful to be back at work, especially with such a beautiful family. I often get last minute calls like this and as hard as I try it’s probably less than half the time that I can squeeze people in. The great irony here is that if Baby T’s family had called any sooner my head would have been so deep in the moving process that I would have told them I just couldn’t do it – so it really was all for the best in this particular case.

Thanks for bringing me to Sydney guys! I will let you know the very minute your images are ready.
