Mother love

Posted on Dec 21, 2010

What a way to end the year! This gorgeous little guy is my last newborn for 2010 and he was just divine. We had to work hard for it but wow it was worth the effort. I loved seeing the beautiful connection he already had with his Mum, it totally melted my heart. I am just thrilled with how this session turned out and can’t wait to get working on the rest of the images after the Christmas break!

To the little guy’s parents (and everyone else of course) – Merry Christmas!


It was a rather busy weekend!

Posted on Nov 15, 2010

Another shoot from last weekend – I met these three gorgeous kids unspeakably close to their bedtime, in a field of grass (aka vacant block). The thing about long grass is it looks beautiful in portraits but it prickles, scratches, itches and really is just down right unpleasant to walk in, roll in and well, do anything in! So it really was a big ask for the wrong end of the day – but these little guys were so happy to meet me when I got out of the car and then awfully patient and persistent with my many requests, as was their mother.

We all had a lot of grass seeds in our shoes when it was done. But it was worth the unpleasantness I think!



Posted on Nov 15, 2010

On Saturday I met this wonderful family for the first time and I was reminded all over again how much I love following through with a family from the belly to the baby and then often as those children grow and perhaps more siblings arrive! It’s such a privilege to see a family blossom and grow.

These guys were so fun and relaxed that we all had a great time. I can’t wait to meet their new little baby in December!


Award winning images!

Posted on Nov 13, 2010

Each year I enter some of my work into the APPAs (the Australian Professional Photography Awards) and the SAPPAs (the South Australian Professional Photography Awards). And each year I attend most, if not all of the three days of judging. It really is some of the best continuing education available to listen to the judges, all master photographers, discus and critique the images entered no mater which category they happen to be judging. It’s even more informative to hear one of your own images discussed!

This year I have been so busy that I was not able to attend the whole event, but I did manage to drag myself away from my computer long enough to watch part of the judging of the Family category. I saw three of my four newborn portrait entries judged and was truly delighted to each of them receive awards – a Silver (the family of five at the top) and two Silver Distinctions!

I am truly grateful to my beautiful clients for choosing me to help them capture their newborn babies and working patiently with me on the day to make those portraits something really special. Two of these images are already hanging as Canvases on the family’s walls and the third was ordered to be printed as a Custom Art Print – which is what I should have been doing when I was watching the judging!

Sydney Christmas Mini Sessions Revisited

Posted on Nov 10, 2010

As the card orders from my Christmas mini sessions are finalised I am able to start sharing a few more of the images from my recent trip to Sydney.

These were the photos that didn’t make it to the card!
