Adelaide Newborn

Posted on Aug 8, 2010

It seems all the newborns I have been shooting since I got back to work have been in Sydney – and all younger siblings of babies I shot a couple of years ago. Well not this sweet little girl. She’s local and she’s a first born, not that you would know it from how relaxed and calm her very proud parents were!

Thanks so much for your patience guys – my replacement computer finally I arrived and I am making my way through all my editing as fast as I can!


7 Days new!

Posted on Aug 8, 2010

I tell you, handling tiny little newborns is strange when I still think of my 5 month old (giant) as “new”. This tiny baby girl was oh so beautiful, and the perfect model, just like her sister was a little over 2 years ago.

Welcome to the world sweet baby girl, you are surrounded by love.


Waiting for a winter baby…

Posted on Aug 6, 2010

The last time I came to this house for a maternity shoot it was just two days before baby was due and I hadn’t beat that record since. That is until my return visit a few weeks ago – less than 24hrs before the next little baby was due!

I have been without a computer for over two weeks, so this blog post is long over due and there will be a few more hot on it’s tail, including a sneak peak from the newborn shoot for this beautiful family.


Baby K

Posted on Jun 30, 2010

It’s one of the real joys of my job that I get to see gorgeous little babies grow into amazing little people – and then into big brothers (or sisters) to the next gorgeous baby. You might remember this little guy from when he was significantly smaller!

Well here he is now, very grown up indeed and a very loving big brother to the sweetest little baby girl – who absolutely did NOT want to curl up for me, but would sleep through almost anything swaddled up with her legs out dead straight. This beautiful little girl was the first breech baby I have captured and she taught me a thing or two about how breech babies like to bend – or not, as the case may be. But we worked with that and captured some beautiful images of her and her doting family.


Baby Summer – 2 months

Posted on Apr 28, 2010

Where did that time go? Summer is our last baby and I am trying so hard to treasure and remember every moment and it’s slipping away faster than I can hold onto… I know exactly how much I will treasure each and every photo years from now.
