Day 23 – Hanging Around

Posted on Mar 23, 2010

A slightly different take on the hanging shots I have done in the past. Many parents love the portraits of babies hanging in muslin that they have seen on my website, especially if their baby sleeps in a hammock. I find am rather taken with these myself!

Day 20 – Smile!

Posted on Mar 20, 2010

Summer might be keeping us on our toes but she makes up for the lack of sleep with the smiles she started giving us at 12 days old.


Day 16 – Daddy’s hands

Posted on Mar 16, 2010

Summer was born into her Daddy’s hands and I have been on the quest for the perfect portrait of her in her father’s hands ever since.

Introducing Summer Emily Reynolds

Posted on Mar 6, 2010

I think this may be the longest it has ever taken me to make a blog post after capturing a portrait – ironic that it should be my own beautiful baby girl I am so late posting about!

Summer Emily Reynolds was born on the 28th of February and we could not love her more.

Welcome to the world sweet baby girl!

The images in this post were captured when Summer was just six days old, and these are the only portraits I managed to capture myself during my preferred “less than 10 days old” time frame for newborn portrait sessions! Between recovering from a rather rough pregnancy, the entire family catching a nasty cold, a round of mastitis and Summer developing reflux there just never seemed to be a spare moment to make more portraits.

Mercifully I was joined a week later by a very dear friend, and one of my favourite photographers, Fiona Colvin, who trekked all the way over to Adelaide from Perth to help me capture our little girl. Summer was not impressed and worked very hard at not sleeping the entire time but we succeeded in the end and Fiona captured some truly beautiful images. Hopefully I will be able to share some of Fiona’s images soon!


Maternity Leave (yes still)

Posted on Feb 7, 2010

Well it’s been 10 weeks since I last posted, and I am still on maternity leave, but now very pregnant indeed and hoping to have this baby any day.

If you are expecting a baby in late March 2010 or beyond and would like to book a newborn session, please contact me now so I can pencil you in – sessions will be very limited when I first return to work.
