Waiting for Number 3

Posted on Oct 15, 2009
Adelaide Maternity Portraits

Yesterday I was delighted to capture some portraits a dear friend in the last days of her third pregnancy. It was so lovely to have my camera in my hands again. I might move to slow now to chase toddlers and am not mobile enough to jump up and down off the ground like I normally do for newborns, but I can still hold a camera – if I can find something to sit on while I point it.

I so love making portraits of women while they are pregnant, it’s such a fleeting time and such an amazing process. The idea that there is new life in there is astonishing when you think about it!

Adelaide Maternity Portraits

Maternity Leave (until March 2010)

Posted on Sep 26, 2009

I had very much hoped to be back at work by now – but it was not to be. In the best interests of my health & family, and with being completely reliable for my clients as one of my highest priorities, I have decided I need to take maternity leave for the remainder of my pregnancy. This has been a hard decision for me to make, and I love my work so much that I make it with heavy heart, but it really is the only sensible option.

At this point I am expecting to starting booking maternity and newborn sessions again as of March 2010. So if you are due in March or will be approaching the end of your pregnancy let me know.

In the mean time I do have two remaining clients I have promised to follow through for in October and November and I will probably be posting the occasional photo of my own gorgeous girls. So the blog will be slow, but it won’t be completely dead!


My newest subject

Posted on Aug 10, 2009
10w ultrasound

As you may have noticed things have been rather s-l-o-w here at Little Feet lately. No, it’s not that the phone isn’t ringing. I was in fact fully booked for July and August and nearly there for September – but I have had to cancel all of those sessions as I am currently working very hard on growing my newest little subject (as you can see on the left there) and unfortunately the pregnancy is not treating me well at all. I have never had to cancel a session before, I have rarely even had to reschedule, so it was a very hard thing for me to do, but after a few days in hospital I realised there really was no way around it.

As a result I am currently unavailable for sessions. I make a significant time commitment to every one of my clients and it is important to me to be able to deliver the quality I expect from myself and on my usual schedule. Because of this I will not be taking any new bookings until I can be confident of being well enough to follow through for my clients. At this point I am not sure when I will be taking bookings again – though I am sincerely hoping to be able to offer my very popular Christmas mini sessions again this September or October.

Sweet Baby M – Adelaide Newborn

Posted on Jul 12, 2009
Adelaide Newborn with her big sister

Can you believe the sweetness of these beautiful sisters? Whenever I am shooting a newborn baby I do, of course, make every effort to include their older siblings in their session. Naturally age plays a role in how co-operative big brothers and sisters are but even so I don’t know if I have ever had a sibling be as helpful as this one! She patiently did every pose I asked of her, she stayed still even when her sister wet her (and some parents can’t sit still through that!), she was the perfect big sister to a perfectly divine newborn.

In fact Baby M’s whole family was so calm and relaxed and helpful for the whole session that it was a complete delight. I hope you enjoy your preview as much as I enjoyed preparing it!

Sleeping Newborn - Adelaide baby photographer

Sydney Sessions – One more spot available!

Posted on Jun 17, 2009
Sydney Baby and Child Photographer

Well, my Sydney Mini Sessions for June booked out within 24 hrs of making the announcement, faster even than I expected! However, I have had a cancellation so I now have one slot available again. Please let me know immediately if you are interested as I believe that last spot will be snapped up quickly.

The Details:

  • Session must be held on the 29th of June 2009 at a Sydney location of your choice.
  • The session may be a “Full” session or a “Mini” see my travel pricing page for details.
  • Because I will already be in Sydney there is no travel fee (You save $400 and Mini sessions are an option)
  • Let me know your full contact details, who the session is for and any questions you might have when you contact me.