Sneak Peak: Four. Soon to be five.

Posted on Dec 27, 2008

I know I talk all the time about how much I love capturing newborns… Well I am going to be in Adelaide when this one comes, and only just – so I can’t dash back for a shoot. And it makes me SO sad…

On the up side being able to capture these maternity portraits today totally made my day.

Aren’t these guys just beautiful together? With a family like this can you even imagine how gorgeous the new addition is going to be?

Did I mention how sad I was that I wouldn’t get to do the newborn portraits?

Thank you all so much for a great afternoon, I will let you know as soon as the rest are ready!

Sneak Peak: Love squared

Posted on Dec 11, 2008
Newborn Twins - Adelaide baby & multiples photographer

Look who I got to meet today! Two of the sweetest little guys ever, and they certainly were little! And they were so good to me, and so loved and so loving with each other. It just melts my heart photographing twins and capturing how much they love each other.

And Chris & Michelle – it totally blows me away how anyone could be so relaxed and chilled out with two tiny little people keeping them up all night! Thanks so much for today, I will let you know the very minute the rest of your images are ready to view.



Posted on Nov 15, 2008

I have been putting off this blog post because I am not sure what to say, or rather how to say it. After months of deliberation Jesse and I have decided to move back to Adelaide for his work. Of course while we were considering what to do we were talking about December, or July, or maybe April. Now that we have decided it’s become January. I am sure you can imagine the chaos in my house as a result!

It was a very hard decision to make, we love Sydney, our life is here, there is so much we will miss. But somehow the reasons to go really did outweigh all that, in fact in the end it was kind of a no-brainer, and kind of silly that it took us so long to decide. None the less we are a great big muddle of emotions – sadness, anxiety, stress, excitement, hope, happiness…

What does this mean for Little Feet? Well I am fully booked for the year and I made sure I would be able to still follow through with all the sessions I have booked before we set our dates. But I will not be accepting any more bookings for Sydney sessions at this time. Perhaps in a few weeks, if things are going particularly well with the move preparations I may be able to run another mini session event, but I can’t promise that. Do make sure to check back regularly if you are hoping for a session before I leave!

Once we are unpacked and settled in Adelaide, probably in mid February, I will start booking sessions in Adelaide and I will also be available from that time for Sydney sessions. Either a travel fee or minimum order will apply for Sydney sessions.

In the mean time I am trying to capture as much as I can of our lives here in Sydney. Last week end we met up with some friends at one of my favourite locations. We didn’t have much luck getting posed pictures of either family but we did capture some very precious images of our children’s friendship and love for each other. Seeing their beautiful relationships when we are so close to leaving is bittersweet.



Posted on Nov 13, 2008

Can you stand this cuteness? I couldn’t! Our dear friends Emily and Darren were visiting from Melbourne today and after spending what seemed like their entire visit gazing into Freya’s eyes I couldn’t stop myself and pulled out my camera – 5 minutes before they had to walk out the door for the airport. But 5 minutes was enough.

Thanks so much for the lovely visit guys – I so wish we could do it more often!

PS – I don’t often post the same image in both colour and black and white, but in the interest of preserving both my sanity and a loving relationship with my husband one of these just had to appear both ways!


Sneak Peak: Madison & Co

Posted on Nov 6, 2008

This gorgeous little girl brought her parents to see me on Sunday night for a Christmas mini session and we did not stop running the whole time she was here. She was squealing with delight a lot of that time though, so it was all good – and my own kids run when they see my camera so I am certainly used to it!

Tania and Dave thanks so much for working with me to make your session so great, I hope you enjoy your sneak peak!
