School Fair

Posted on Dec 2, 2007

Isabelle’s school fair was rained out for the second year in a row. The weather gods are against us. But our school community has such a great attitude that everyone troops on and has an even better time just to spite the weather. It was a great day. And one lucky family (with two gorgeous girls!) won the portrait session I donated at the fund raising auction, there was a bit of a bidding war but they were determined the session was theirs!


Another Christmas Card Session

Posted on Nov 7, 2007

I love making custom cards for people, so I always get excited when my clients understand how special personalised Christmas cards are too. It’s not long since I photographed Zina and Hunter on the beach and it was lots of fun to do another session with them so soon.

The cards will be gorgeous, I can’t wait to get them back from the printers!


Baby Noah at home

Posted on Oct 14, 2007

Noah was born into one of the sweetest, most loving families ever, he is adored by everyone. I got to go visit him again today, after being privileged to attend his birth last week. It was such a delight to spend part of my day with he and his family. You could just feel the love in the room.


At the zoo

Posted on Oct 12, 2007

Today I met up with a very dear friend and her gorgeous children at the zoo. We used to live really close to each other and go to the park and on excursions (like the zoo) all the time. Now she is hours away and it’s a rare treat. Today it was a disaster. And in the midst of it being a disaster we tried so hard to get some nice photos of her family. And what I feel like we captured is just what an amazing mother she is. You can just see how much she loves her kids and how much fun they have together – even when it is H.A.R.D work she still brings out the best in herself and her kids. I wish I had a little more of that some days!


Christmas is coming!

Posted on Oct 11, 2007

Do you recognise these gorgeous children? Probably only big brother because last time I photographed Baby Leah she was a newborn! It scares me how fast babies grow up, I feel like I only blinked and a tiny, sleepy newborn has turned into a little person with piercing eyes and an interest in crawling!

Mum wanted some new photos for her custom Christmas cards so we caught up for a Christmas mini session. It’s only spring and it was SO hot! I am amazed we didn’t melt.
