Runner up!

Posted on Feb 15, 2011

I have just learned that I was the runner up for AIPP SA Epson Family Photographer of the Year 2010. To say that I am thrilled and excited doesn’t really cover it. I am also quite astonished to have done so well, as a fairly new photographer competing against a very strong field of wonderful photographers that I truly admire. I saw a number of other photographers’ prints in the family competition that literally took my breath away, they were so beautiful.

The AIPP Professional Photography awards are a really challenging competition at both the state and national level and I always learn so much just from sitting and listening to the judges, to say nothing of watching the amazing prints that are entered. This was the first year that the AIPP has offered the Family category at APPA and SAPPA, a change that I was really pleased about. The Family category is exactly right for the work that I enter into competition, but I still hadn’t expected such wonderful results. I feel like I ought to run a competition or give away to celebrate but I haven’t managed to settle on anything yet so that might be a blog post for another day!


Posted on Jan 29, 2011

This little guy was my first newborn for the year and as usual the session made me fall in love with my job all over again. The break was lovely, being back at work is fabulous!

Gosh I love it when they smile for me – it’s hardly surprising he is so happy with the way his siblings dote on him. When I speak to parents before their session I never promise a sibling photo as they can be tricky some times. In actual fact I can’t think of a session where we haven’t managed at least one great sibling photo but these guys were so well behaved their parents will have a few options.


Sydney Family Portraits

Posted on Jan 28, 2011

I have just come back from a weekend in Sydney, visiting family friends with my children. We all had a wonderful time away and while we were visiting I took the opportunity to capture all of our children together and also to make a beautiful portrait of their three children on the doorstep of their new house.

The main image will most likely become a canvas on their dining room wall, capturing the children at the age they were when they first moved into the home that their parents hope they will grow up in and one day leave home from.


WPPI – Accolades of Excellence

Posted on Jan 28, 2011

I’ve been rather silent this summer – but not because nothing’s been happening here at Little Feet Photography. Things have actually been busier than I intended this school holidays.

One of the real highlights of the summer break was learning I had won two Accolades of Excellence in the WPPI (Wedding & Portrait Photographers International) 2010 2nd Half Intl. Photography Competition.

I decided it was time to add an Awards page to my website, it’s pretty simple for now but hopefully I will find time to put in thumbnails of the images soon!

Last shoot of the year!

Posted on Dec 28, 2010

Well 2011 is nearly on us and today I had my last shoot for the year. You might recall this gorgeous little girl and her family from their last session, earlier in the year. In fact, this family have been my first and last shoot of the year! I can’t believe how she’s grown – or how my own baby has grown either. The first two years of a child’s life just seem to go so fast and be so full of change it really does make my day to capture those changes.

2010 has been a wonderful and unexpectedly busy year for me, I have worked more than I intended to when Summer was so small – and I have loved every minute of it. It really does give me such joy to capture my amazing little subjects! I would really like to thank all my beautiful clients for such a wonderful year, may you all have a fantastic year in 2011!
